little island

what i like about web design

What i like about web design

The design nerd in me feels like it never got its proper start. So I find making something functional, beautiful, and simple very seductive. Unlike physical zines, or performances, workshops, hardware, even drawing -- any of the usual forms of art I practice at varying levels -- code is fast. I write, it renders. Publicly. The slowest to come is comfort. With a new language, or syntax.

I've mostly been coding in html/css, the occasional javascript (often assisted with chatgpt). But now I have to learn other things so I can build websites for other people, like bash (terminal), the hugo ecosystem, etc.

I don't love the change at the moment. The darling-ness of the patterns I use in the lil websites, they don't seem to translate. Many of the systems I'm interested in (lightweight, fast, environmentally friendly), they are made for writers. But what if you want your words a little obscured? Or to make them tough to catch? Or have a website that's more about playing than reading?

The ecosystems are very confusing to me so far. It will pass, I know. But it still sucks.

Being tired and allowing myself to wallow, to watch tv all night, to do only two things a day (sometimes one) -- I used to think of these things as luxuries. In some ways, they are. Finding part time work, that covers necessities, but are also flexible enough for me to work from home -- its becoming rarer to find. In these ways, I miss the pandemic. I was out of the house for maybe 7 hours the other day, and my head hurt so much when I got home. And the next day too. Sinuses all messed up. (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Burnout ♥

Still, I can code.

What I like about web design is that you can make something beautiful, from bed. Or a couch, or a floor.

& also, 1 link to 1 cute website I loved making tools 2 heal

#coding #dispatch #websites