little island

quick points, before sleep

my sleep has been very messy. something, something adjusting to a new space. but i want to be at the venue for 10am tomm, which means i need to be awake by 9am. It's not paid, but I get to present in public in this new city for the first time. im very happy about it.

anyway. F n i were on the phone. ily best friend, n ty for letting me be somatically attached to u.

more mfa thoughts:

  1. if i dont believe in academic institutions, why do it? ↪ teaching, obviously ↪ to dedicate some time to making, funded ↪ talk to other people with similar concerns/practices ↪ institutional access leads to nice gigs. i know this for sure actually.

  2. got a message or two on avoiding/welcoming a masters in art ↪ what does it mean to have intellectual/creative connections? ↪ masters / academia as a 'what to do with life' answer

portland's social practice has the theoretical n communal vibes i want. but new yorks ITP has the wierd tech things i want. in the end though, do i really want to leave a place with close friends? tbf, i dont speak french and finding jobs has been v tough.

the dream ofc, is to live in a van. ↪ step 1: leash train cat ↪ step 2: learn to drive well enough for license, an exercise in confidence ↪ step 3: monies for buy-in, upkeep and maintainance
