little island

Blogs, baking and the outdoors

I stayed up till maybe 2am last night, reading blogs on the bear discovery. And, ofc, fine-tuning my css. It made me start thinking about why it is I'm trying to write again.

I had a blog writing practice I was heavily invested in from roughly ages 13-15, on blogger. Things that would happen in my daily life. I spent a lot of it meddling with the design. And, for a brief period when my mother would take my sibling to swimming at 7am, I would spend that period typing. I was very impressed with myself when I got to the point I could type without looking at the keyboard.

As an adult, I find I have trouble with things like consistency. Occasionally I fall into little rythms, and that can be nice. But any time there is an expectation of 'should', I veer off course.

There's also the thing of boundaries, TMI, what feels important to share. In my personal journal, I can write for hours. Every detail feels important to record. Links I've been opening all day, things I did, conversations I've had.

This little island, I've decided, is for fully formed thoughts. Or something like that.

For my thoughts on making and being. Mainly making, I hope. And if I'm not quite comfortable, I'll press unpublished and keep it as a draft.

Words seem so important. They are what I hold onto the most, I think.


I just got back from groceries, a small run. I wanted to do some baking, which is a rare urge. For the first time, I am making chocolate chip cookies, from one of those pre-rolled doughs.

Having not grown up in North America, I haven't ever used these, or made cookies. So it is special.

If I have energy later, I'm going to make some mango chutney and a lemon cake (box mix). I have this vision of a little tea party. Would be cool if pals and I could get up to the mountain and have a picnic.

Last week, someone mentioned they were doing that, and it's become something I want to try. I love being outdoors, but it takes a lot out of me. Plus, my cat's not trained to come with and I feel bad leaving them at home.

Sometimes I am a little competitive, even if it's for joy.

~Excited for a fresh baked cookie smell!! I've read about those!
